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Trigger finger vs Dupuytren's contracture

In this post, I will compare trigger finger with Dupuytren’s contracture.   

First, I will talk about their similarities:
Both conditions cause bending of the affected finger towards the palm.

What are the affected structures?

Trigger fingerinvolves the tendon or the tendon sheath. There is a lump around the tendon that restricts movement.

Dupuytren's contracture affects fascia, a layer found under the skin. It starts with a nodule & pitting in the palm ---> Rope-like cord ---> finger bends towards the palm.


Trigger finger: over-useDupuytren's contracture: unknown

Affected fingers:

Both conditions can affect any finger.Dupuytren’s contracture: ring & little finger.Trigger finger: thumb.


Dupuytren’s contracture: is usually painless.Trigger finger: pain when you press on the lump & during movement.

Hand's function:

What is the effect of dupuytren's contracture & trigger finger on hand's function?First, hand grip: In both conditions, there are no difficulties in closing (bending) of the finger/s. However, there are limitations while straightening the affected finger/s.

Dupuytren’s contracture: when the disease progresses, the cord will start pulling the affected finger/s towards the palm. Then there will be limitations in finger extension.Trigger finger: finger will bend without difficulties however it will be stuck then snapped back into extension.

Flexion deformity:

Dupuytren's contracture: cannot be corrected passively.Trigger finger: Can be corrected passively however in severe cases, the finger will be stuck in a bent position and won't be corrected passively like Dupuytren's contracture.
Both cases will affect hand’s function.

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